
All our courses, the content of which is outlined below, work together to build up from Foundation to Diploma level.>

It is a modular approach – we believe in small manageable chunks working well for most of us – with the two Health and Safety Course units (at levels 1 & 2) and two Funeral Foundation Course units (at level 1) initially being completed.

Then building on these are the six Arranging and Administration Course and the four Funeral Operatives Skills Course units (all at levels 2 & 3).

A certificate is awarded on the completion of each of these courses and, once all four courses have been completed** the student is also awarded the IFD College Certificate in Funeral Practice and can use the post nominals Cert. FP.

Once this level has been reached the student can embark on the four Diploma Modules (at level 4) to achieve their Award in Funeral Directing and Dip, FD and use the post nominals Dip.FD.


** To achieve the Cert FP student can omit ether two of the Operatives Skills units or four of the Arranging and Administration units and still be eligible to complete the Diploma units. This ensures we do not discriminate against those students who cannot cover absolutely all tasks within their workplace.             


Health & Safety Programme

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS.  There are no educational requirements for units 1/HS1 or 2/HS2.

TARGET LEARNER GROUP.  All staff employed in Funeral work and should ideally be a first step in Funeral service Training.


Module HS1: Health and Safety Legislation and Manual Handling - Level 2 NVQ  3 Credits

Learning outcomes:

·     show an understanding of the legal requirements of health and safety legislation in the workplace.

·      show an understanding of the basic principles of the COSHH legislation in a workplace.

·      identify risks within the workplace.

·      show an understanding of the fire safety procedures in a workplace.

·      show an understanding of the manual handling regulations and to demonstrate safe lifting and handling techniques.

·      be able to undertake safe lifting and handling techniques.


Module HS2: Safety and Infection Control for Funeral Staff  - Level 1 NVQ   1 Credit

Learning outcomes:

·      understand first-aid provision in the workplace.

·      know how to report accidents in the workplace.

·      know how to handle clinical waste.

·      cross infection and handling infectious remains.

·      use of PPE.


Foundation Funeral Practitioner Programme

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS.  There are no educational requirements for units F1 or F2.

TARGET LEARNER GROUP.  All staff employed in Funeral work.


Module F1: Understanding First Contact and Measuring Procedures  - Level 1 NVQ   1 Credit 

Learning outcomes:

·      first calls.

·      basic understanding of registering a death in the UK.

·      basic understanding of the coroner & procurator fiscal procedures.

·      basic understanding of doctors cremation certificates.

·      basic understanding of medical review process in Scotland.

·      measuring human remains.

·      relaying information.

·      standards of dress.

·      confidentiality.


Module F2: Understanding Identification, Viewing and Personal Effects - Level 1 NVQ   1 Credit

Learning outcomes:

·      identification.

·      prepare viewing facility.

·      conduct chapel visits.

·      handle & record personal effects.

·      supporting bereaved people.

Funeral Operative Programme

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS.  Foundation and Health & Safety modules must be completed or in progress before these units are studied.                                                                                                               

TARGET LEARNER GROUP.  These units have been designed for those members of staff who are providing the manual skills in a funeral business, operatives, technicians, drivers, and pall bearers. Individual modules may be taken.

Module OP1: Transportation and Care of a Person who has died - Level 3 NVQ   6 Credits

Learning outcomes:

·      checks on information, vehicles and equipment prior to bringing someone into the care of the company

·      signs and test for death

·      moving a person who has died safely, respectfully and with care

·      moving a person from a hospital, care home, private address or hospice to the funeral directors premises

·      moving a person on behalf of the Coroner/Police Scotland

·      identification, personal effects and paperwork associated with bringing a person into the care of the company

Module OP2: Understanding Coffin and Casket Finishing - Level 2 NVQ   3 Credits

Learning outcomes:

·      the range of coffins and caskets

·      environmental issues relating to coffins and caskets

·      coffin and casket preparation for cremation and burial (including natural burial)

·      preparing cremated remains caskets and containers

·      transferring of cremated remains to caskets or containers

·      record keeping and safe storage of cremated remains

Module OP3: Understanding the Responsibilities of the Funeral Driver and Bearer - Level 2 NVQ   6 Credits

Learing outcomes:

·      vehicle checks and recording of routine maintenance

·      vehicle cleaning - exterior and interior

·      pre-funeral checks

·      responsibilities of the hearse driver and limousine driver

·      appropriate conduct when dealing with the bereaved

·      coffin bearing techniques for cremations and burials

·     providing professional support in challenging and sensitive circumstances

Module OP4: Understanding and Applying Good Mortuary Practice - Level 3 NVQ   4 Credits

Learning outcomes:

·      the importance of client permission in relation to body preparation.

·      optimum conditions for storing the body of a person who has died.

·      invasive and non-invasive body preparation procedures.

·      dressing and coffining practices and procedures.

·      monitoring of the body of a person who has died.

·      mortuary security and access.


The Funeral Administrator Programme

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS.  Foundation and Health & safety modules must be completed or in progress before these units are studied.

TARGET LEARNER GROUP These units are designed for the administration staff, funeral arrangers, and receptionists. Those who will receive clients and, at the very least take some basic information and undertake the organisation and administration involved in arranging a funeral. Individual modules may be taken.

Module AD1: Taking Funeral Instructions from a Client - Level 3 NVQ   6 Credits

Learning outcomes:

·      be able to interview clients and obtain the necessary information to arrange a funeral and know the elements that go to make up a funeral service.

·      know additional services that may be required by a bereaved family.

.      be able to arrange a burial and a cremation.

.     be able to provide client with itemised estimate and final invoice.

Module AD2: Understanding UK Death Registration, HM Coroner/Procurator Fiscal and Repatriations - Level 3 NVQ   6 Credits

Learning outcomes:

·       be able to assist clients regarding registration of a death.

.      be able to use the statutory certificates and documents required for burial and cremation.

.      know procedures for repatriating a body from the United Kingdom.

.      know procedure for repatriating a body to the United Kingdom. 

.      know procedure for transporting a body between the home countries of the United Kingdom.

.      understand the role of HM Coroner, Procurator Fiscal and the Coroner’s Officer or Coroner’s Liaison Officer.

.      know reasons for postmortems, inquests and investigations.

Module AD3: Understanding United Kingdom Burial and Cremation Law  - Level 3 NVQ  3 Credits

Learning outcomes:

·     understand the documentation, procedures and legal requirements for a burial to take place and a client’s entitlement to grave space.

.    understand the correct documents and certificates required by a burial authority in a range of circumstances.

.    understand the documentation, procedures and legal requirements for a cremation to take place.

.    know about interment or scattering of cremated remains.

Module AD4: Financial Arrangements and Funeral Planning Level 2 NVQ   6 Credits

Learning outcomes:

·      know how to advise a client on how to apply for an appropriate benefit.

.     understand how all types of payments including charitable donations are processed by their own company.

.     understand the value of funeral planning to both the business and the consumer.

.     understand the legal requirements associated with the selling of funeral plans.

.     understand how a funeral plan affects the arrangements and administration of a funeral at the time of need.

Module AD5: Understanding Bereavement and Funeral Director Involvement in the Community  - Level 2 NVQ  3 Credits 

Learning outcomes:

·      understand the physical and emotional effects of bereavement and grief.

.     understand the services and support provided by bereavement support organisations.

.     understand the need for support for those working in the funeral profession.

.     understand the role of the funeral director in community events.  

Module AD6: Understanding Customer Focus and Digital Services in a Funeral Services Setting  Level 2 NVQ   3 Credits

Learning outcomes:

·      understand the importance of customer focus in a funeral business.

.     understand the role of a trade association and use of a code of practice.

.     understand how to deal with complaints.

.     understand the importance of digital services to the funeral industry.

Arranging Infant and Child Funerals Module

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:  There are no entry qualifications making it available to all. 

TARGET LEARNER GROUP: This course is suitable for any member of staff, either operative, administrator, new entrant or 'old hand' who may be involved with a child or infant’s funeral.

This course is a 'stand-alone' course and does not form part of the Cert. FP. Programme. 

Module I&CF: Arranging Infant and Child Funerals - Level 3 NVQ   6 Credits

Learning outcomes:

·      terminology relating to gestational period.

·      identification.

·      regulations and legislation relevant to the circumstances of the death.

·      understand the registration process and documentation specifically relevant to the death of a child.

·      be able to advise parents on how their child is cared for whilst in your care.

·      understand possible negative effects of a shared or contract funeral.

·      understand how children grieve.

·      be able to provide parents with information regarding the choice between burial and cremation.

·      explain the financial choices.

·      know how to complete all documentation required for the funeral arrangements of a child.

·      explain the current legal definition of cremated remains/ashes for the benefit of parental understanding.

·      correct terminology for the period of gestation or age of a foetus or infant, statutory requirements, local crematorium and cemetery procedures and cremation processes, support bereaved parents, other family members and siblings.

·      describe ways in which crematoria may change the cremation process to retrieve infant ashes.

·      know about burial sites and permitted memorials.

·      know how to arrange or oversee a funeral for a child or infant in accordance with the wishes of the parents.

·      understand the reasons for the outcomes of the Bonomy Enquiry (conducted by the Scottish Government) into infant cremations in 2013/2014.

The Funeral Director Programme - Level 4 NVQ 

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:  Certificate in Funeral Practice or relevant occupational qualification.

TARGET LEARNER GROUP: This course is suitable for any member of staff wishing to continue education and training following completion of Certificate in Funeral Practice modules or other occupational qualification. Ideal for those who are at a senior level in a business, business owners, or next generation in a family business.

This programme is more academic than our other courses, although there is still a practical element.

Students will be expected to engage in research and self-directed learning for much of the programme.

Individual modules may be taken but all four modules are required to achieve the Diploma in Funeral Directing award.

Diploma Module 1: Understanding the Function and Responsibilities of the Modern Funeral Director  - Level 4 NVQ    6 Credits

Learning outcomes:

·      understand the function, responsibilities and attributes associated with the role of the modern Funeral Director.

·      be able to conduct both burial and cremation funerals.

·      be able to evaluate the funeral process.

·      be able to respond appropriately to non-traditional funerals, unusual requests, and unexpected occurrences during the funeral process. 

·      understand the differing approaches to funerals which enable rite of passage and the requirements of people with different faith and beliefs. 

·      understand the legal and social importance of equality and diversity to the funeral profession. 

·      understand the impact of changing trends to funerals and the funeral profession.

·      understand the legal and procedural requirements relating to body donation and the disposal of body parts.

·      understand the impact of pandemic to the funeral sector.

·      understand the legal and procedural requirements relating to the exhumation of a body or cremated ashes.

Diploma Module 2:  Managing Care after Death  - Level 4 NVQ  4 Credits

Learning outcomes:

·      understand the required conditions for care after death.

·      be able to wash, dress and prepare a body for viewing.

·      understand the necessity for removal of hazardous implants.

·      understand the embalming process and the importance of acquiring informed consent.

·      understand the procedures, techniques, and necessity for post-mortem examinations, digital autopsy, and scanning.

Diploma Module 3:  Leading, Managing and Motivating People - Level 4 NVQ   3 Credits

Learning outcomes:

·      understand the characteristics of an effective leader.

·      understand the need for effective organisational and staff management.

·      understand the benefits to an organisation of developing the skills and competencies of its workforce.

·      understand the role of performance management and reward in the organisation.

Diploma Module 4 - Delivering Customer Service Excellence in the Funeral Sector  - Level 4 NVQ   2 Credits

Learning outcomes:

·      understand the importance & benefits to an organisation of providing excellent customer service.

·      understand the key features of the ‘Customer Service Triangle’.

·      understand and address issues of concern to stakeholders.

·      dealing with complaints & conflict.